Feb 10, One can of Four Loko (any of the flavors) is 235 fluid ounces, or 695 mL A standard wine bottle is 750 mL A good number of wines also hover around the 12% ABV rangeOct 27, Just in time for any election night drinking games, Four Loko has released a new line of alcoholic beverages The new malt beverage, called Pregame, has 139 per cent ABV — the same amount of alcohol in the original drink, which was once lovingly nicknamed 'blackout in a can' by millennial It also comes in three bright, fruity flavors Sour Blue Razz, Lemonade, and Sour PeachFour Loko nights are always unexpected and adventurous Your night could end in glory, or it could end in you finishing an entire pizza by yourself in bed Which is kind of glorious in its own way Our new flavor Black is just as unconventional as your Four Loko night out We won't tell you what it tastes like – you will just have to find out at the beginning of your next Four Loko Story Why Four Loko Alcoholic Beverage Removed Caff...